Illegal Detentions and Guantanamo

Until the PM's official apology rolled out of the fax machine, Arar's legal team couldn't be sure of success in quest for justice.
The Military Commissions Act, signed into law by Congress, allows the U.S. to retain its authority on deciding what forms of interrogation are not war crimes under the War Crimes Act and the Geneva...
Government commission in Canada ruled that Maher Arar is not a terrorist/White House seeking to revoke right of habeas corpus to non-citizens held in US custody outside of the US.
Maher Arar is seeking acknowledgement from the U.S. government that his torture was wrong.
U.S. district judge David Trager dismissed Maher Arar's lawsuit against the U.S. government.
United States of America v. Osama Awadallah is a lawsuit in which the Center for Constitutional Rights defended Osama Awadallah against charges of making two false material declarations before a...
Hamdi v. Rumsfeld is a case that challenged the arrest and denial of due process to U.S. citizen Yaser Esam Hamdi before the U.S. Supreme Court. The Center for Constitutional Rights’ (CCR) amicus...
