1st Amendment Rights

Freedom of Speech

Palestine Information Office v. Shultz is a case in which the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) filed an amicus brief, opposing the closure of the Palestine Information Office in Washington, D.C.
National Student Association, et al. v. Hershey is a government misconduct case which challenged the Selective Service Director’s orders to draft all men who took part in anti-war campaigns. By 1969...
The Nation v. Haig was a case which defended the right of Americans to receive Cuban publications.
McSurely v. McClellan is a case that challenged congressional immunity for wrongdoing with regards to the illegal seizure and copying of written documents from the home of voting rights activists...
Kinoy v. District of Columbia is a lawsuit in which CCR, joined by bar associations, law professors, and lawyers throughout the country, came to Arthur Kinoy’s defense, arguing that attorneys have...
Jeanette Rankin Brigade v. Capitol Police arose when a group of protestors was arrested under a federal statute that prohibited demonstrating, walking, or standing in groups on the Capitol grounds...
In the Matter of Randall , the INS invoked the McCarran-Walter Act’s ideological exclusion provision to force Margaret Randall, a prominent poet and essayist who was born in the United States, to...
These two deportation cases involve two Palestinian activists, Khader Hamide and Michel Shehadeh, whom the government have attempted to deport since 1987. They argue that Hamide and Shehadeh’s lawful...
Harris v. McRae is a class action lawsuit brought by the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) challenging federal restrictions on Medicaid funds for medically necessary abortions. In the wake of...
