Surveillance and Attacks on Dissent

United States v. Banks and Means is a 1974 case in which the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) defended American Indian sovereignty at Wounded Knee and represented leaders in the American Indian...
United States v. Brett Bursey is an appeal brief filed by the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and cooperating attorney Lewis Pitts, charging that the Secret Service violated its own...
In the 1960s, particularly after HUAC produced Operation Abolition, a film meant to justify the committee’s existence which inadvertently underscored its high-handed tactics, people increasingly...
An amicus brief urging the California court to investigate questions of the integrity of electronic voting in Riverside County, California.
Soto v. Romero-Barcelo was a case which brought suit to uncover FBI involvement in the killing of young pro-independence activists at Cerro Maravilla, Puerto Rico. The case led to substantial awards...
“Puerto Rican Subversives List” refers to the work CCR did with the Instituto Puertorriqueño de Derechos Civilies, an organization founded by José Antonio “Abi” Lugo, a former CCR attorney, and other...
Palestine Information Office v. Shultz is a case in which the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) filed an amicus brief, opposing the closure of the Palestine Information Office in Washington, D.C.
National Student Association, et al. v. Hershey is a government misconduct case which challenged the Selective Service Director’s orders to draft all men who took part in anti-war campaigns. By 1969...
McSurely v. McClellan is a case that challenged congressional immunity for wrongdoing with regards to the illegal seizure and copying of written documents from the home of voting rights activists...
