Oral Argument in Al Shimari v. CACI


Add to My Calendar Thursday, May 12, 2016 8:30am


U. S. Courthouse
1000 East Main Street
Richmond, VA 23219

Center for Constitutional Rights Legal Director Baher Azmy will be arguing before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Al Shimari v. CACI, a federal lawsuit brought in 2008 on behalf of four Iraqi torture victims against U.S.-based government contractor CACI Premier Technology, Inc.

In June 2015, CACI moved to have the case dismissed because it raises a “political question,” and is therefore a matter that should be left to the “political branches” of the government and not the court. In September 2015, CCR appealed that decision to the Fourth Circuit, arguing that what happened to our clients was unambiguously unlawful under domestic, military, and international human rights law, and therefore the courts have an obligation to hear claims brought by victims of torture. 

You can learn more about the case on the Al Shimari case page.

Note: Oral argument will take place in the Butzner Courtroom 201 (Panel II). Picture identification and security screening are required for entry to the courthouse. For more information about attending oral argument, visit the court website.

Last modified 

May 3, 2016