FOIA for Info on Thomson Reuters, RELX Group Contracts with ICE Historic Case

At a Glance

Date Filed: 

September 14, 2020

Current Status 

FOIA request was filed September 14, 2020.


CUNY Human Rights and Gender Justice Clinic


Mijente, Immigrant Defense Project

Case Description 

Mijente, the Immigrant Defense Project (IDP), CUNY Law School’s Human Rights and Gender Justice Clinic (HRGJ) and the Center for Constitutional Rights have filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to demand information on contracts between Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and commercial information technology and data service providers RELX Group and Thomson Reuters. The request follows documentation and reporting on the role of the “data broker firms” in providing information that is used by U.S. government agencies in immigration enforcement operations. 

Case Timeline

September 14, 2020
Mijente, IDP, CCR and CUNY send FOIA request to ICE and DHS
September 14, 2020
Mijente, IDP, CCR and CUNY send FOIA request to ICE and DHS