Ousman Darboe Amicus Brief

At a Glance

Date Filed: 

December 10, 2020

Current Status 

Our amicus brief was filed in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals on December 10, 2020.


The Innocence Project

Case Description 

On December 10, 2020, the Center for Constitutional Rights and The Innocence Project submitted an amicus brief in a Second Circuit lawsuit, Darboe v. Barr, challenging the removal order of Ousman Darboe, a 26-year-old husband and father from the Gambia who spent over three years in civil immigration detention. The amicus brief contextualizes the circumstances of Mr. Darboe's arrests by highlighting the disproportionate impact of the NYPDs stop-and-frisk practice on Black and Latinx communities  particularly in the Bronx – and the systemic anti-Blackness and coerciveness of the criminal legal system. The brief supports Mr. Darboe’s petition for review and explains how race-based policing and an unreliable and coercive criminal justice system lead to unsubstantiated arrests and convictions that have dire consequences, especially for Black immigrants. 

Case Timeline

December 10, 2020
Amicus brief filed in Second Circuit
December 10, 2020
Amicus brief filed in Second Circuit